The Blog THEY Don’t Want You to See!

X-Marks the Spot for “Covert Technological Murder…” by a Community Installed Military COINTELPRO, Lockheed Martin Trained Monstrosity!



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The Blog THEY Don’t Want You to See!






  1. I have the exact same scenario, I have literally seen the X in the sky, no joke . The picture with the neighborhood provided here on this site is almost identical to mine except the homes behind me face a rectangular shaped park. My neighborhood is perfectly setup for this stalking and harassment. There are mountains where the planes come through exactly to fly over my home. There is a railroad track just behind to harass me.

    There is a University to the west of me. The military base to the south and east along with an airport conveniently located as well, the Air Force base to the north along with various other known experimental research sites, military and prison sites allows me to be targeted by criminals, former criminals, military, police, academia, fire departments, ambulances, construction,etc. I have several quarries all around me that have at times been integrated into the program for harassment as they have had these people come out sometimes the trucks staged accidents or would allow rocks to be thrown to damage my windshield. I have replaced more tires and windshields in my time here over 9 years than I have in my lifetime.

    My car is made to become inoperable, the air conditioner it seems can be made to break one day and appear just fine the next; at times the air conditioner, tire pressure and temperature gauges can all be used in my harassment. My daughter once had her car become inoperable one second and then the next returned to normal operation as though nothing happened. Your video of the drone attack just happened to me last night; I watched as plane after plane and drone after drone flew over my home moving to the east and west. I get the planes, helicopters, and odd looking aerial projections that replicate a plane but judging by how they just arrive on the scene seems unlikely. In fact, the planes too seem able to appear out of nowhere as well. I am followed by every sort of aerial vehicle including a NASA Guppy at one point that made this very obvious by flying low intentionally. I have had an experience when I was teaching my daughter to ride a bike in which every-time we would go out, the tires would go flat or the chain would break off. This technology is used for terror and to force me to stay inside where my entire home is my torture chamber. I am on the verge of homelessness and destitution because the perpetrators have made sure I can get no job, the jobs they allow my children to have are used to weaponize my family against me.

    The intent is to divide and conquer, most in contact with my family are not true friends. I have gotten to the point where all I do is act out contacting fusion and infra guard centers directly because they have taken control over my outgoing communications, I am pretty certain who is getting them. I am so tired of the gang stalking strategy, it is childish and insane. I am tired of the waves and hand signals and I am tired of all the cars. It is horrific the amount of cars and things that our government is wasting for this program. We must defund this entire operation, that includes FBI, CIA, Infra-guard, Fusion, etc. Of course, DOJ and DHHS are also involved everyone now is involved really. I tried contacting DHHS about this illegal and non consensual experiment of torture and was told it has to be a consensual experiment in order to file a complaint for damages. So essentially the government has made themselves immune in every possible way. I am so tired of being stonewalled. I have had 3 child protective services allegations launched against me that each were discounted. These people do nothing and get rewarded. Their life revolves around chasing an innocent person with children and targeting them all day long for no real purpose that can be seen. It is a nightmare. The CIA and FBI really is responsible for all terror. This PSYOPs crap must end. There are not fruits to be had from this labor. Judging by the willingness to put innocent people in danger and to inflict bodily and mental harm on women and children and the amount of monetary and human capital being used I doubt this can continue to b e sustainable. It is garbage and those who are targets do not deserve this. I am familiar with the accounts of Peter Mooring, his experience too is similar to mine. I have been attacked with animals and insects, my appliances are tampered with remotely to cause economic destruction and despair. My home has been entered unlawfully. I cannot shop without being terrorized. It is to make me live in absolute fear for doing things that people must do each day. The latest is the destruction of the pipes in my kitchen and bathrooms and my sink that is only about 4 years old completely collapsed for no rational reason. A four year old home is crumbling on the inside by the terrorists who run our government. There is no doubt that this is state sponsored terror.

  2. Well said and accurate.

    This program is after people with something special about them including a loving heart which they cannot break backed by determination and courage becoming a thorn in their side.

    They did pay a bug company to unleash bugs inside my house twice here and before I moved here. I watched him in the garage, not believing it so until bugs emerged from the exact same location he was in ready to infest. Glad I caught them in time.

    Once the FBI across the street using a neighbor’s house tried to make his dog bite me when I was getting my mail. I called the police and after going over there he refused to make the report.

    They love to stop your car then when the tow truck arrives it starts up over and over again. Hope they don’t stop it on a deserted road for a set-up. There is a patent for stopping vehicles similar to locking down cars when stolen, or lack of payment.

    Be thankful this military COINTELPRO has not hospitalized you. They have hospitalized me twice with Directed Energy Weapon beamed joint detrioration resulting in surgeries, documented in Book III “Covert Technological Murder: Pain Ray Beam”. The torture was horrific while they watched me write books. I have no choice but to continue. In fact the books are likely why I am still alive. They want me silenced badly.

    Looks like they have chosen the wrong human guinea pigs with many exposing the truth today in spite of their monstrous antics. There heroes, but they are not it!

    Recently I had another episode of covert entry PsyOps into my house as well. They took my garage door opener out of my car then returned it two weeks later after I immediately got a new one and put it on my keychair. They haven’t started on my house yet but are energy weapon beam killing the plants in the backyard to kill them. Thank goodness Lowes gives you a refund if they don’t grow within a year. They cost $200. Believing I would have to purchase a new “Run Flat” tire $500 from the dealer, they stuck a nail in it.

    American Tire can fix them if the psi does not get below 10 psi with a plug and they did it for free while the culprits watched in real tme.

    Anything or anyone they know you care gleaned by the constant mind reading technology they hope to destroy with family and friends topping the list and use them. They will beam influence people you are are many thing, child molester, abuser, a prostitute, mentally ill, a thief, etc., etc., etc., to keep people motivated. Drones have psychotronic subliminal influence technology on them and they follow me 24/7 to include out of state.


    Click to access 221275_dV5NXarumrBZocXsaaZEXoBvR.pdf

    They can travel 4,000 miles from the operation point. A major Air Force base is 30 minutes away as well a prison about an hour drive including major DOD contractor’s Lockheed and Northrup about 15 minutes away.

    When I go to stores they call security then psychotronic beam security that I am stealing to have security work for them wittingly or unwittingly unaware also of the drone overhead’s beamed influence.

    The brilliance of this high-tech targeting program, is to create situations that sound unbelievable and absolutely bizarre to many. This has been highly effective for the mental illness tag while these operations sit behind, patented technology, decades perfected, covertly toying with and destroying many lives it appears almost for sport.

    Hang in there! Don’t sweat the small stuff making the PSYOPS game ineffective.

    History has proven that inevitably the truth always wins, slowly but surely.

  3. Glad these Barbaric amount of crimes against humanity can be found and those who used these Barbaric technology can be tryed for there unthethical inhumane degrading treatment unthethical torture machinery they used in such a barbaric crimes they committed super blogs thank you

  4. They used microwave technology in this area to get to leg’s plus DEW ELF phyicotronic electronic VK Artificial intelligence telepathy synthetic they used in legs it terrific barbaric unthethical inhumane degrading experiment there’s legs are like the photo I got for my evidence they are medical scientific division with phyists engineer technical medical base with Airforce space with robotics machinery engineer they show tonsil I got copies download my self says it seriously Illegal they show inner muscle near knee cap pear shape muscle go back to normal size again for life they show inner muscle near knee cap pear shape muscle there African french German England UK it’s death pentiy for Illegal technology phyicotronic religious beliefs occultism prescution VK Artificial intelligence telepathy synthetic wirless invisible assault or attempted Assassination plus exculted ok or illegal experiment or holographic images it Pris or to make health condition with technology it seriously Illegal plus barbaric unthethical inhumane degrading experiment treatment it’s firing Gard’s for there unthethical inhumane degrading treatment unthethical inhumane ok or threaten death slow or death democide there laboratory medical base with technology plus robots can be fouya d there engineer they show inner muscle near knee cap pear shape muscle plus knees over shorts or skirt and religious beliefs occultism terrorism fashism religious beliefs occultism spiritual will be found with there hi-tech technology and changed for murder and for health like the deep state wanted list for targeted individual Denver was charged the book is super

  5. They used technology devices abuse machine on me in this building Solon listed building Victorian listed building t I keep my own hair get thicker holocaust mesuem all over the head they are illegal terrorism fashism religious beliefs occultism prescution they are fake religious beliefs I keep my own hair long get thicker holocaust mesuem all over I got my own evidence ok it number 57 Redland road Bristol ban
    technology abuse torture machinery engineer technology they be traced found charged with technology abuse torture

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